Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Never be realistic

One of the things that happens to us throughout the course of our lives is we are taught to believe a bunch of nonsense that some people convince us is worth believing and actually is serving you some good. One of those gems of wisdom is "be realistic." For anybody who knows me, you know I'm highly delusional and I actually believe those delusions to such a degree that most of them become true in my life. It's kind of like the job search process when career counselors tell you "be realistic." While there intentions are good, they usually have no idea what they are talking about and sucking you into their reality. So I thought I'd post this interesting video I found on youtube. See Above.

1 comment:

Patrick Woodward said...

Right on! I know where you are coming from.

As an incoming student to the Pepperdine MBA program I'm enjoying reading about your experiences here.